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Jun 28, 2012
The tricky flashback
Flashbacks in fiction are one of those gizmos in your utility drawer that can give you grief. It’s like Gorilla Glue or razor blades....
Jun 18, 2012
So what
I’m back on it again, the subject of heart. I seem to blog a lot about finding the emotional core of story. Maybe because so many stories...
Jun 4, 2012
Bad last acts
No, the topic isn’t: the last thing we do before we die. But it’s akin to it. By bad last acts, I mean Act 3 of a lot of novels. For the...
May 28, 2012
Fascinating stories
In the midst of all the things we’re supposed to do as writers, sometimes we blow past the most basic. We work and rework our plot,...
May 15, 2012
Writing past cliche
I hope you’re following the new BBC Sherlock Holmes series. There is so much to learn from this marvelous mash-up of the Arthur Conan...
May 7, 2012
Why you really need a writing conference
The weekend of May 18th I’m helping out with my favorite local writing conference. If you live in the Pacific Northwest, you really...
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