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Book launch in Pacific NW

I’ve been on the road for three days, participating in SFWA’s Reading Series in Kirkland WA and Portland OR. It was amazing to see old friends in Kirkland, where a bunch of folks turned up for my reading with Greg Bear and Peter Orullian.

Me, Greg Bear, Peter Orullian in Kirkland

Peter, Kay, Terry

The rule was to read from a work in progress, so I tried out the first chapter of my current project, a historical fantasy set in Great Britain, the interwar years. It was great fun to see the reaction, very positive. I signed copies of A Thousand Perfect Things, which is speeding out into the world, after a three year process of writing it!

Greg Bear wowed us with a glimpse of his work in progress, and in Portland, Terry Brooks did a test run of the opening of his new SF novel. (Loved it.)

Duane Wilkins did a fantastic job with books for the Seattle area event, and Wrigley Cross in Portland sold out of A Thousand Perfect Things.

I loved talking to Shelley Rae Clift, John Pitts, David Levine, Art Boulton Tracy Erickson, Joel Pearson, Roz Greenberg, Carol and Ed Morrison and many more. Thanks to everyone who turned out for this lovely SFWA quarterly event! #SFWAauthors


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