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Cover art contest winner

My January 31 post asked readers to vote on the best cover for my new fantasy. I said that my publisher had two great covers and couldn’t decide between them. Well, I was wrong. We apparently didn’t have two great covers, we only had one.

130 people responded, and by an overwhelming majority they picked the cover with the dual images of London and the Taj Mahal. The voting was so lopsided, there really was, um, no contest!

We listened, and my cover will be the one you chose, the dual image one. (My publisher is still tweaking it, so I can’t release it yet. But I can release the name of the winner of the drawing. (I promised to draw a name from a hat and send one of the respondents a free book.)

Actually, how I chose the winner was: my husband and I were traveling to Phoenex on I-10 and thinking about the old Route 66 and its iconic status in film, TV and books. A few miles later I asked him to choose a number between 1 and 130. He responded–you guessed it: 66.

So the winner is: Phyllis Ring, the 66th respondent. She assured me she was going to buy the book anyway, but I’m happy to send her a signed copy of the trade paper edition when it’s available in late summer. Congratulations, Phyllis! And thanks to everyone who voted, and who told us why!


My first fantasy, A Thousand Perfect Things, forthcoming from Premier Digital Publishing, August 2013. —  In an India of magic. . . a Victorian woman’s quest for forbidden powers.


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