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Stump Kay

January’s an odd-numbered month, so that must mean I’m running another Boost Your Writing Chops fiction chat group! Yup, it’s a regular thing by now: a bunch of writers and aspiring writers get together on Zoom and try to Stump Kay with writing questions.

I start out with a ten-or-so minute chat on some cool and/or tricky aspect of fiction. Sometimes I even reveal hitherto closely-guarded secrets of getting a story on the page. Then it’s open season for questions and I do my best to answer. And thankfully, sometimes I get help from a few others in the group. We also talk about the writing life: butt-in-chair issues.

So check out the next one-hour meet up Thursday, January 12th, 5:00 to 6:00 PM (PST). All genres and levels of experience are welcome.

Write on the River charges $10 a session for nonmembers, but I volunteer my time. Why just one hour? Because we're all so busy and it's refreshing to get a quick jolt of inspiration and an answer to a nagging question or two. All while hanging out with other writers for a bit. I would love to see you there! REGISTER HERE (free to members, but please register).

Need to miss this one? Next meet-up is March 9th.


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