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Kenyon’s best of 2012

OK, looking back on the year, what were the truly memorable moments? Here is a judicious and nuanced analysis of my year, based upon the, um, first things that come to mind:

Best new TV show. Bomb Girls. A drama about women working at a munitions factory during World War II.

Best sf/f books I read this year. Under Heaven, Guy Gavriel Kay; Still Life With Shape-Shifter, Sharon Shinn; The Half Made World, Felix Gilman, The Cloud Roads, Martha Wells.

Most peculiar sight. (March) A guy walking down the street reading a paper book as he went along. I am not lying.

Lightning strike

Most spectacular storm. (July) Photographer Josh Tarr was sitting on his roof one night (as we all sometimes do) and snapped this pic of lightning in Wenatchee. I stood on the back porch and watched  an amazing two-hour long display.

Personal best signing. (August) Must have signed a hundred books at Worldcon! OK, it was Mike Resnick’s collection (to which I contributed an introduction), Win Some, Lose Some, and Mike wa

s there, too. But, you know, it was still a thrill.

Best critter event. (July) Dogs on a fire truck. Every dog longs to be a fire dog! Picture via my fire fighter son Matt.

Best time on a boat. (August) The Random House river cruise on the Chicago River at World Con.  80 degrees and like really big buildings all lit up at night and stuff.

Coolest honor. (July) My Writing the World website was chosen by as writing website of the week. So, somebody is listening!

Best baby of the year. (February) My son and his wife had a baby boy this year. The child is brilliant, a book lover (loves the taste), and handsome as the devil.  No, they don’t always dress His Magnificence in satin. This picture was from his Christening.

Best recruitment. (September) I asked J.A. Jance to keynote our next Write on the River Conference (May, 2013). Happy to say that sometimes celebrities really do behave just like regular people: She graciously emailed me back the very next day.

Best cat picture. (May) It’s not his best angle, but it does capture a bit of Sumo’s endearing attitude.

I’m sure I’m missing some seminal events of lasting spiritual importance. But, like, these are the ones that came to mind.

Happy Holidays everyone!


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