I’m recently back from WorldCon (Sasquan) in Spokane. There were panels on topics related to books, writing, science, fandom, and issues related to futurism and the changing world. Plus gaming, film, costuming, a great writers’ workshop and schmoozing in the bar.
I meet some aspiring science fiction and fantasy writers who have never been to a con. Many beginning writers are oddly reluctant to learn about the industry which they are so keen to be a part of. Here are some of the excuses I hear:
1. Cons are just for rabid fans; hey, I’m a writer. Just plain wrong. All sorts of people attend cons. Many of them happen to love science fiction and
Sasquan dealers room. Best place to start a conversation.
fantasy and want to write it, just like you. Granted, you’ll see people with whom you have little in common. I must say that cons will stretch you a bit. It’s easy to feel superior to (here fill in descriptor of people you’d rather not be around.) It’s hard to break with a long standing habit of snobbishness. Go to a con and take an open mind.
2. I will be a nobody at cons that worship the big names. Entering the field of publishing is no time to unpack your insecurities. There will always be people whose careers you envy, but there is little “worship” at cons. People are mostly there to meet others who share their interests and perhaps listen to favorite writers hold forth on panels. It’s not an ego-fest. It’s a sf/f-fest.
3. I don’t have time/money to go to cons. Do you have the time and money to invest in your career? Sure you do. And cons are a part of it. It’s
Sharon Shinn in her beautiful red tunic.
not just networking, meeting editors or authors who might give you a blurb. It’s immersing yourself in a trade gathering where you’ll learn plenty; there are panels on breaking in and the tropes of sf. You need to know about this stuff. You will learn about new books. Make lists. If you are still reading your favs from a decade ago, you are not keeping up.
4. I won’t know anyone. That may be true, so find a pal to go with. Tolerate a little anxiety–you’re stretching yourself, remember? Strike up conversation in the halls outside
Mike Resnick signing in the dealers room.
the panels and in the dealers room. Throw yourself into the con events as a keen observer; think of it as research, not a big party where you don’t know anyone. You’ll get a little more out of each con and you’ll start to build a base of acquaintances.
The number one thing you’ll get out of writing science fiction and fantasy is the people you’ll meet. I know. You thought it was getting published. That is a wonderful thing, but still, it’s the people you meet in the field. I’ve thought about this long and hard, and I still think it’s true.